This essay is going to be about life and death and also how religion affects the way a person can think about death. My three topics that I' going to discuss are life, death, and how religion affects it. In the Katha Upanished, tthe main character Nachiketa goes to The King of Deaths house to try to find out were people go when they pass away.
This paragrapgh wil be about life. Life is wonderful as some say. life is crappy,stressful,hard and worthless as some may say as well. To me life is all of the above but im still a teenager and havent lived life yet or have I? Life is full of its ups and downs, we have happy days and sad days. Days that we remember untill our death. People say the key to life is happiness but what is happiness to us? Its true that money can't buy happiness or love. To me i just like to live life slow enjoy my time because no one nows when its their turn to go. Life is the best gift that we a humans were given and we should enjoy every ounce of it. Their is no point in some one taking their live because it got hard or they are sad how is that going to fix some thing, all that person is doing is putting that love and care for him depressed.
This paragraphs topic will be about death. What happens to us when we die? Were do we go? Is their a after life? Why do we belive in a plae called heaven? Life comes and goes as it pleases. We all now we are going to die some time in life. We just dont know when, it can be soon or it could be later. Death haunts us all. Their are some that are scared of dieing and others who say they aren't. I am not scared of death because i know that atone point my life is going to come to an end but the one thing i do wonder is were will my soul go? My body will just sitin a grave and rot but not my soul. Why is that? To me death is just something us humans will never ever be able to avoid. Death is like destiny. Its going to happen no matter what you do.
This ismy last paragragh and my topic is how religion affects death and life. What would be diffrent about me if i wasn't religious? Does religion even matter? Whydoes religion make us belive in som place called heaven and hell? Hell is for sinners but aint we all sinners? Religion affects our live by having us belief in god and how he is great and noble. But who first saw god or heard of him? Religion dosnt affect were we go when we die, does it? Life and death are so cunfusing that their is no wat to explain it and never will. we will never find those answers because once your time is up its up, no second chance your just done.
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