
Showing posts from August, 2018

How I learn

What I do to learn is ask questions. I do my homework every night after I eat and shower and I also do it during study hall. I sometimes use my agenda but I mostly memorize my homework assignments. I also ask my teammates and teachers/coaches for help

Richard Cory thoughts

What I thought about the Richard Cory poem is that money and looks doesn't get happiness. Anyone could have money and looks but it won't mean you are happy. What does it take to be happy? What does happiness mean to you?

Richard Cory

The Socratic method

A discusion were a person asks an open ended question witch makes the person who is asked think. The person who started the Socratic method was started by Socrates. Socrates would go around and ask people questions and then he would at likea 5 year old and keep asking why. He would do this to gain knowledge but also know how others would think.

My welcome post

Hi welcome to my blog this is Danny. I'm a nice guy and I love football.