
Showing posts from November, 2018


To me success is to achieve what you wanted to achieve and to never quit. It's to grow up and be someone in life, to make my dreams come true no matter what I have to go threw. Success isn't easy and if you are successful and had it easy I don't want to here about that I rather hear from the people that fought it out and had a rough time to get were they are right know.

Can intellectual opposites attract

The most interseller part of the conversation was when he told him that why was his son treated differently because of what he did in his past

Get to know me

He wants us to understand the charachters better and understand how they think. He wants us to know their personalities and their kindness. I get to know people by talking about what we have in common and their first impression matters a lot as well

What's this all about

This book is interesting because of the way the author an make me visualize the setting and how he discribes the characters and how they are all diffrent from one another

Les Mis gets my vote

Les mis gets my vote because it is an interesting book and we haven't read a lot of the book but we're getting so much information in such little time witch helps understand the book and helps me visualize the settings the author talks about

What a character

In Les Misérables , Victor Hugo goes to great lengths to describe the character of M. Myriel.  He uses both direct and indirect characterization to help the reader get to know M. Myriel.  Here are some examples. He cares a lot about people and has a great relationship with his sister.


M. Myriel writes about the chapters in the bibles and reads it. In his free time he gardens and he calls it The spirit is garden. He also vists the poor on his free time and when he has no one to vist he vists the rich and the aflicted. He would give to them. He treats everyone equally and cares for them the same. At noon he would eat his brunch, witch means he doesn't eat brekfast untill lunch.