Today i was walking hoe after weights for football and i decided to walk the long way home. So i took an alley way that basically is in front of the railroad tracks and i was about to get to Morrison when I seen a 2 year old run onto the street in front of me. He waved at me and i waved back and smiled, when i looked forward I seen a car driving and i put my hand up for the car to stop. thankfully the driver seen my gesture and stopped. the little kids dad came out and looked surprised to see me save his baby from getting hit. If you are wondering were the kid came from was from an opened garage door. Anyways after that I walked home and couldn't get that off my mind. I told one of my friends about it and she said everything happens for a reason. I wonder what was the reason for this happening? Would the little kid have been hit if i walked the short way home, or would he have ever walked onto the street? I guess we will never know but thankfully i stopped the worst from happening because we don't get second chances in life. All I can say is tell the people that you love that you love them because you never know when you or them could take their last breath.
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